Small Spacecraft
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Small spacecraft offer many advantages over their larger, monolithic counterparts. They are much less expensive, fit more easily on launch vehicles, and can be spaced far apart to provide time-synced measurements. However, the challenge becomes how to power, navigate, and communicate with these minimalistic spacecraft.
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate
- Hew, Y., & Close, S. (2021). Hypervelocity impact flash expansion geometry under various spacecraft surface electrical conditions. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 150(103792).
- Juarez Madera, D. (2020). Space-and ground-based measurements of radiation belt precipitation : extending the capabilities of cubesats and radars [Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University].
- Goel, A., Krishnamoorthy, S., Swenson, T., West, S., Li, A., Crew, A., Phillips, D., Screve, A., & Close, S. (2018). Design for CubeSat-based dust and radiation studies at Europa. Acta Astronautica, 136, 204-218.
- Lee, N., & Close, S. (2018). Meteoroid Impact Detection for Exploration of Asteroids: small satellites for asteroid characterization. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55(1).
- Marshall, R. (2014). Effect of self-absorption on attenuation of lightning and transmitter signals in the lower ionosphere. JGR Space Physics, 119(5), 4062-4076.
- Frost, C., Agasid, E., Nuttall, A., & Swenson, T. (2014). Small spacecraft technology state of the art. NASA Technical Papers.
- Lee, N., & Close, S. (2013). Curved pleat folding for smooth wrapping. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469(2155).
- Lee, N., Close, S., & Srama, R. (2013). Composition of plasmas formed from debris impacts on spacecraft surfaces. Sixth European Conference on Space Debris.