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Refereed Journal Articles


Sam, A., Kumar, P., Fletcher, A., Crabtree, C., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. "Nonlinear evolution, propagation, electron-trapping, and damping effects of ion-acoustic solitons using fully kinetic PIC simulations." : Physics of Plasmas 32, 022103 (2025).

Lau, Raymond, and Sigrid Elschot. "A curvature-based mechanism for the spontaneous emission of electromagnetic radiation at curved plasma–vacuum interfaces." Physics of Plasmas 32.1 (2025).


Hedges, T., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. (2024). Meteor head echo detection at multiple high‐power large‐aperture radar facilities via a convolutional neural network trained on synthetic radar data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, e2023JA032204.

Lau, R., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. (2024). Spatial decay of electromagnetic waves from hypervelocity impact plasmas. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 104924.


Juarez Madera, D., Marshall, R. A., Elschot, S., Kaeppler, S., Reyes, P., Varney, R. H., & Crew, A. B. (2023). Time-dependent inversion of energetic electron precipitation spectra from ground-based Incoherent Scatter Radar measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2022JA031000.

Estacio, B., Young, S. A. Q., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. (2023). Experimental evidence of rapid target charging electromagnetic pulse from hypervelocity impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 173.

Lau, R., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. (2023). Collisional particle-in-cell investigations of electromagnetic pulses in hypervelocity impact plasmas. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 104692.

Fereydooni, K., Lee, N., & Elschot, S. (2023). Preliminary study of radio frequency waves in hypervelocity impact plasma. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 179, 104667.


Hedges, T., Lee, N., and Elschot, S. (2022),  Meteor Head Echo Analyses From Concurrent Radar Observations at AMISR Resolute Bay, Jicamarca, and Millstone Hill, JGR Space Physics, doi:10.1029/2022JA030709

Lee, N., Blanchard, J. T., Kawamura, K., Weldon, B., Ying, M., Young, S. A. Q., and Close, S. (2022), Supporting Uranus Exploration with Deployable Small Spacecraft Probes, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, doi:10.2514/1.A35436

Blanchard, J. T., Lee, N., and Elschot, S. (2022), Meteoroid orbit determination from HPLA radar data, Icarus, 386, 115144, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115144

Fereydooni, K., Evans, A. I., Lee, N., and Close, S. (2022), Plasma production and composition from hypervelocity impacts on solar cell cover glass, International Journal of Impact Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2022.104325


Young, S. A. Q., Stupl, J., Lee, N. and Close, S. (2021), Theory of Power Generation From Spacecraft Charging, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 50, 1, 141–154, doi:10.1109/TPS.2021.3125709

Hew, Y. M., and Close, S. (2021), Hypervelocity impact flash expansion geometry under various spacecraft surface electrical conditions, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 150, 103792, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2020.103792

Shohet, G., Estacio, B., Matthews, I., Young, S. A. Q., Lee, N., and Close, S. (2021), Microscopic ejecta measurements from hypervelocity impacts on aluminum and powdered regolith targets, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 152, 103840, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2021.103840.

Estacio, B., Shohet, G., Young, S. A. Q., Matthews, I., Lee, N., and Close, S. (2021), Dust and atmospheric influence on plasma properties observed in light gas gun hypervelocity impact experiments, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 151, 103833, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2021.103833.


Nuttall, A. and Close, S. (2020), A thermodynamic analysis of hypervelocity impacts on metals, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 144, 103645, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2020.103645.

Limonta, L., Close, S., and Marshall, R. A. (2020), A technique for inferring lower thermospheric neutral density from meteoroid ablation, Planetary and Space Science, 180, 104735, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2019.104735.


Tarano, A. M., Wheeler, L. F., Close, S., and Mathias, D. L. (2019), Inference of meteoroid characteristics using a genetic algorithm, Icarus, 329, 270-281 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.04.002.

Sugar, G., Oppenheim, M. M., Dimant. Y. S., and Close, S. (2019), Formation of plasma around a small meteoroid: Electrostatic simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, doi:10.1029/2018ja026434.


Hew, Y. M., Goel, A., Close, S. and Lee, N. (2018), Hypervelocity impact flash and plasma on electrically biased spacecraft surfaces, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 121, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2018.05.008.

Sugar ,G., Oppenheim, M. M., Dimant, Y. S., and Close, S. (2018), Formation of plasma around a small meteoroid: Simulation and theory, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, doi:10.1002/2018JA025265.

Lee, N. and Close, S. (2018), Meteoroid Impact Detection for Exploration of Asteroids: small satellites for asteroid characterization, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 55(1), 202–213, doi:10.2514/1.A33928.

Tarantino, P., Goel, A., Corso, A., Lee, N., and Close, S. (2018), An electrostatic method to model the expansion of hypervelocity impact plasma on positively biased surfaces, Physics of Plasmas, 25(9), doi:10.1063/1.5039656


Sugar, G., Moorhead A., Brown P., and Cooke W., Meteor shower detection with density‐based clustering, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, doi:10.1111/maps.12856.

Fletcher, A. and Close, S., Particle-in-cell simulations of an RF emission mechanism associated with hypervelocity impact plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 24, 053102, doi:10.1063/1.4980833.

Goel, A., Krishnamoorthy, S., Swenson, T., West, S., Li, A., Crew, A., Philips, D. J., Screve, A., and Close, S., Design for CubeSat-based dust and radiation studies at Europa, Acta Astronautica, 136, 204--218, doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2017.03.016.

Krishnamoorthy, S. and Close, S., Investigation of plasma-surface interaction effects on pulsed electrostatic manipulation for reentry blackout alleviation, J. Phys. D: App. Phys., 50(10), 105202, doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa5901.


Nuttall, A., Kochenderfer, M. and Close, S. (2016), Detection of hypervelocity impact radio frequency pulses through prior constrained source separation, Radio Science, 51(10), 1660–1675, doi:10.1002/2016RS006108.

Li, A. and Close, S., Neutral density estimation derived from meteoroid measurements using high-power, large-aperture radar, J. Geophys. Res., 121(13), 8023–8037, doi:10.1002/2015JD024547.


Fletcher, A., S. Close, and D. Mathias (2015), Simulating plasma production from hypervelocity impacts, Physics of Plasmas, 22, 093504, 1–11, doi:10.1063/1.4930281.

Li, A. and S. Close (2015), Mean thermospheric density estimation derived from satellite constellations, Adv. Space Res. 56(8), 1645–1657, doi:1016/j.asr.2015.07.022.

Marshall, R. A. and S. Close (2015), An FDTD model of scattering from meteor head plasma, J. Geophys. Res., 120(7), 5931–5942, doi:10.1002/2015JA021238.

Goel, A., Lee, N., Close, S. (2015), Estimation of hypervelocity impact parameters from measurements of optical flash. Int. J. Impact Eng., 84, 54-63, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2015.05.008.

Goel, A., Tarantino, P. M., Lauben, D. S., Close, S. (2015), Design and testing of miniaturized plasma sensor for measuring hypervelocity impact plasmas, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 86(4), doi:10.1063/1.4917276.


[PDF] Frost, C. et al., Small Spacecraft Technology State of the Art. NASA/TP–2014–216648/REV1. July 2014.

[PDF] Marshall, R. A. (2014), Effect of self-absorption on attenuation of lightning and transmitter signals in the lower ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JA019921.

[PDF] Marshall, R. A., T. Adachi, R.-R. Hsu, and A. B. Chen (2014), Rare examples of early VLF events observed in association with ISUAL-detected Gigantic Jets, Radio Sci., 49, 36–43, doi:10.1002/2013RS005288.

[PDF] Marshall, R. A., and J. B. Snively (2014), Very low frequency subionospheric remote sensing of thunderstorm-driven acoustic waves in the lower ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021594.


[PDF] Yee, J. and Close, S., Plasma turbulence of nonspecular trail plasmas as measured by a high-power large-aperture radar, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 118, 24, 13, 449-462, 2013, doi:10.1002/2013JD020247.

[PDF] Close, S., I. Linscott, N. Lee, T. Johnson, D. Strauss, A. Goel, D. Lauben, R. Srama, A. Mocker, and S. Bugiel, Detection of electromagnetic pulses produced by hypervelocity micro particle impact plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 20, 092102, 1-8, 2013, doi:10.1063/1.4819777.

[PDF] Lee, N. and S. Close, Curved pleat folding for smooth wrapping, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 469, 20130152, 2013, doi:10.1098/rspa.2013.0152.

[PDF] Lee, N., S. Close, A. Goel, D. Lauben, I. Linscott, T. Johnson, D. Strauss, S. Bugiel, A. Mocker, and R. Srama, Theory and experiments characterizing hypervelocity impact plasmas on biased spacecraft materials, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 032901, 2013, doi:10.1063/1.4794331.

[PDF] Pifko, S., D. Janches, S. Close, J. J. Sparks, T. Nakamura, and D. Nesvorny, Modeling the meteoroid input function at mid-latitude using meteor observations by the MU radar, Icarus, 2013.


[PDF] Volz, R. and S. Close, Inverse filtering of radar signals using compressed sensing with application to meteors, Radio Sci., 47, RS0N05, 2012, doi:10.1029/2011RS004889.

[PDF] Close, S., R. Volz, R. Loveland, A. Macdonell, P. Colestock, I. Linscott, M. Oppenheim, Determining meteoroid bulk densities using a plasma scattering model with high-power large-aperture radar data, Icarus, 221(1), 300-309, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.07.033.

[PDF] Seo, J., J. Lee, S. Pullen, P. Enge, and S. Close, Targeted Parameter Inflation within Ground-Based Augmentation Systems to Minimize Anomalous Ionospheric Impact, Journal of Aircraft, 2012.

[PDF] Kelley, M., S. Pancoast, S. Close, Z. Wang, Analysis of electromagnetic and electrostatic effects of particle impacts on spacecraft, Adv. Space. Res., 2012.

[PDF] Lee, N., S. Close, D. Lauben, I. Linscott, A. Goel, T. Johnson, J. Yee, A. Fletcher, R. Srama, S. Bugiel, A. Mocker, P. Colestock, and S. Green, Measurements of freely-expanding plasma from hypervelocity impacts, Int. J. Impact Eng., 44, 40-49, 2012.


[PDF] Vertatschitsch, L. E., J. D. Sahr, P. Colestock, and S. Close, Meteoroid head echo polarization features studied by numerical electromagnetics modeling, Radio Sci., 46, RS6016, 2011.

[PDF] Close, S., A. Fletcher, M. Dunham, and I. Linscott, Coherent Matched Filter Signal Processing Algorithms for Probing the Ionosphere Using Broadband RF Data, JGR, 116, 2011.

[PDF] Dymond, K. F., C. Watts, C. Coker, S. A. Budzien, P. A. Bernhardt, N. Kassim, T. J. Lazio, K. Weiler, P. C. Crane, P. S. Ray, A. Cohen, T. Clarke, L. J. Rickard, G. B. Taylor, F. Schinzel, Y. Pihlstrom, M. Kuniyoshi, S. Close, P. Colestock, S. Meyers, and A. Datta, A medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance observed from the ground and from space, Radio Sci., 46, RS5010, 2011.

[PDF] Loveland, R., A. Macdonell, S. Close, M. Oppenheim, and P. Colestock, Comparison of methods of determining meteoroid range rates from linear frequency modulated chirp pulses, Radio Sci., 46, 2011.

[PDF] Zinn, J., S. Close, P. L. Colestock, A. Macdonell, and R. Loveland, Analysis of ALTAIR 1998 meteor radar data, JGR, 116, 2011.

[PDF] Close, S., M. Kelley, L. Vertatschitsch, M. Oppenheim, and J. Yee, Polarization and scattering of a long-duration meteor trail, JGR, 116, 2011.

[PDF] Lay, E., S. Close, P. Colestock, G. Bust, Development and error analysis of Nonlinear Ionospheric Removal Algorithm for ionospheric electron density determination using broadband RF data, JGR, 116, 2011.


[PDF] Close, S., P. Colestock, M. Kelley, L. Cox, N. Lee, Electromagnetic Pulses from Hypervelocity Impacts, JGR, 115, 2010.

Conference Proceedings


Blanchard, J. T., Lo, M., Anderson, B. D., Landau, D., Restrepo, R., & Elschot, S. (2023). Using NRHO invariant funnels to target Enceladus south pole. AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting.


Blanchard, J. T., & Elschot, S. (2022). Model predictive control in the three-body problem using invariant funnels as terminal sets. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference.

Lee, N., Blanchard, J. T., Kawamura, K., Weldon, B., Ying, M., Young, S. A. Q., and Close, S. (2022). Supporting Uranus Exploration with Deployable ChipSat Probes. AIAA SciTech Forum, 0839.


Blanchard, J. T., Lo, M. W., Landau, D., Anderson, B. D., & Close, S. (2021). New tools for tour design: swiss cheese plot, invariant funnel, and resonant encounter map. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference.

Blanchard, J. T., Lo, M. W., Landau, D., & Anderson, B. D. (2021). Invariant Funnels for Resonant Landing Orbits. AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 1–17.


Blanchard, J. T., Anderson, B. D., Lo, M. W., & Close, S. (2020). Low energy capture into high inclination orbits for ocean worlds missions. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference.

G. Shohet, N. Lee and S. Close, "Dust Charge Modeling and Ejecta Measurements for Hypervelocity Impacts on Aluminum and Powdered Regolith Simulant Targets," URSI GASS, 2020.

Young, S., N. Lee, and S. Close (2020), Harvesting electromagnetic energy from hypervelocity impacts for solar system exploration, URSI-GASS, Rome, Italy, 29 Aug–05 Sep.

Young, S., J. Stupl, N. Lee, and S. Close (2020), Power generation for small spacecraft in the Jovian environment through spacecraft charging, 16th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, 30 Mar–03 Apr.

Lee, N., Hedges, T., and S. Close (2020), Estimating neutral density of the thermosphere from meteor trajectories, Abstract SA002-08, AGU Fall Meeting, 1–17 Dec.

Shohet, G., B. Estacio, S. A. Q. Young, I. Matthews, N. Lee, and Close, S. (2020), Ejecta charging and dynamics in meteoroid impacts on asteroids and comets, Abstract P015-0008, AGU Fall Meeting, 1–17 Dec.


Young, S. A. Q., S. Close, and N. Lee (2019), The Space Environmental Electrical Power Subsystem (SEEPS): Energy harvesting supporting microsatellite exploration of the outer solar system, Proc. IAC, Article IAC-19_C3_4_10_x54563, Washington, DC, 21–25 Oct.

Lee, N. and Close, S. (2019) Neutral density measurement from simultaneous radar observation of meteors, Abstract SA43C-3218, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec.

Estacio, B., Lee, N., Shohet, G., Young, S. A. Q., Matthews, I., Bassette, R., Banerjee, S., and Close, S. (2019), Characterization of the plasma plume produced by dust and meteoroid impact of different materials, Abstract P21B-07, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec.

Matthews, I., Lee, N., Shohet, G., Young, S. A. Q., Bassette, R., Banerjee, S., Szybunka, H., and Close, S. (2019), Characterization of optical emission from ground-based hypervelocity impact experiments, Abstract P23C-3518, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec.

Shohet, G., Lee, N., Estacio, B., Matthews, I., Young, S. A. Q., Bassette, R., Banerjee, S., and Close, S. (2019), Dusty plasma effects in hypervelocity impacts on the ground and in space, Abstract P23C-3519, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec.

Young, S. A. Q., Lee, N., Estacio, B., Matthews, I., Shohet, G., Bassette, R., Banerjee, S., and Close, S. (2019), Electric field polarization of electromagnetic radiation from micrometeoroid and dust impacts on spacecraft, Abstract P23C-3520, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec.


Krishnamoorthy, S. and S. Close (2015), Particle in Cell (PIC) simulations of plasma-electrode interactions for Reentry Blackout Alleviation, AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, Paper AIAA 2015-3369.

Goel, A. and S. Close (2015), Electrical Anomalies on Spacecraft due to Hypervelocity Impacts, IEEE Aerospace.


Fletcher, A., D. Mathias, and S. Close (2015), Susceptibility of spacecraft to impact-induced electromagnetic pulses, IEEE Reliability and Maintainability Symposium.

Tarantino, P., N. Lee, S. Close, and D. Lauben (2014), Faraday Plate Array Analysis of Hypervelocity Impact Experiments, SCTC.

Goel, A., P. M. Tarantino, D. S. Lauben, and S. Close (2014), Design and Testing of Miniaturized Plasma Sensor for Space Plasma Diagnostics, SCTC.


Li, A., S. Close, Orbital debris parameter estimation from vertical pointing radar, IAC, 2013.

Lee, N., S. Close, R. Srama, Composition of plasmas formed from debris impacts on spacecraft surfaces, Sixth European Conference on Space Debris, 2013.

Linscott, I., S. Close, A. Goel, N. Lee, S. Green, N. Bryant, ISOLDE: ISS-based study of LEO debris and meteoroid electrical effects, Sixth European Conference on Space Debris, 2013.


[PDF] Houts, S., E. Jens, K. Shish, N. Lee, S. Russell, P. Kimball, The Stanford Young Astronauts program: A model for sustainable outreach, IAC, Paper 12-E1.1.4, 2012.

Li, A., S. Close, J. Markkanen, EISCAT space debris after the International Polar Year (IPY), IAC, Paper 12.A6.1.8, 2012.

Garrett, H. and S. Close, Meteoroid-induced ESD and EMI/EMP effects on spacecraft – a review, SCTC, 2012.

Johnson, T., S. Close, and I. Linscott, Satellite failure from hypervelocity micrometeoroid impacts: Beam-plasma instability RF emission, SCTC, 2012.

Vayner, B. V., D. C. Ferguson, R. C. Hoffmann, A. T. Wheelock, J. J. Likar, J. L. Prebola, Jr., D. H. Crider, T. A. Schneider, J. A. Vaughn, B. Hoang, K. Steele, S. Close, A. Goel, M. W. Crofton, J. A. Young, and J. M. Bodeau, Preliminary results from U.S. round-robin tests, SCTC, 2012.


[PDF] Goel, A., N. Lee, S. Close, D. Lauben, T. Johnson, and I. Linscott, Electrical effects of hypervelocity impacts, IAC, 2011.

[PDF] Volz, R. and S. Close, A compressed sensing approach to observing distributed radar targets, URSI GASS, 2011.

[PDF] Close, S., M. Kelley, A. Fletcher, N. Lee, P. Colestock, RF signatures of hypervelocity impacts on spacecraft, Proc. 3rd AIAA Atmos. Space. Env., 2011.

[PDF] Johnson, T., I. Linscott, S. Close, D. Strauss, N. Lee, R. Adamo, A. Mocker, R. Srama, S. Bugiel, Detection and analysis of RF data from hypervelocity impacts, Proc. 3rd AIAA Atmos. Space. Env., 2011.

[PDF] Yee, J., S. Close, Diffusion of plasmas from ablating meteoroids in the ionosphere, Proc. 3rd AIAA Atmos. Space. Env., 2011.

[PDF] Lee, N., S. Close, D. Lauben, I. Linscott, A. Goel, T. Johnson, R. Srama, S. Bugiel, A. Mocker, Study of hypervelocity impact plasma expansion, Proc. 3rd AIAA Atmos. Space. Env., 2011.


[WWW] Shohet, G., Dusty plasma effects in hypervelocity impacts, Ph.D. thesis, 2021.

[WWW] Estacio, B., Characterizing dusty hypervelocity impact plasma plume dynamics and effects, Ph.D. thesis, 2021.

[WWW] Young, S. A. Q., Harnessing energy in the space environment for spacecraft operations, Ph.D. thesis, 2021.

[WWW] Tarano, A. M., Automated inference of impacting asteroids' physical properties and motion, Ph.D. thesis, 2020

[WWW] Juarez Madera, D. H., Space-and ground-based measurements of radiation belt precipitation : extending the capabilities of cubesats and radars, Ph.D. thesis, 2020

[WWW] Sugar, G., Meteoroid mass from head echoes using particle-in-cell and finite-difference time-domain simulations, Ph.D. thesis, 2019

[WWW] Nuttall, A., Radio-frequency emissions from hypervelocity impacts on charged spacecraft, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Limonta, L., Experimentation and simulation of meteoroid ablation, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Hew, Y. M., Optical characterization methods for hypervelocity impact generated plasma, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Swenson, T., The topology of transit orbits in multibody systems with applications to dynamical astronomy and mission design, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Sousa, A., Global and seasonal effects of lightning-induced electron precipitation, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Tarantino, P., Determining the evolution and effects of hypervelocity plasma plumes, Ph.D. thesis, 2018

[WWW] Krishnamoorthy, S., Alleviation of reentry communications blackout by electrostatic methods, Ph.D. thesis, 2017

[WWW] Li, A., Neutral density estimation from multiple equivalent platforms, Ph.D. thesis, 2016

[WWW] Yee, J., Simulation of dusty plasmas and characterization of their effects on irregularities in the upper atmosphere, Ph.D. thesis, 2016

[WWW] Goel, A., Detection and characterization of meteoroid and orbital debris impacts in space, Ph.D. thesis, 2016

[WWW] Johnson, T., Detection and analysis of the electromagnetic pulse from hypervelocity impact plasma expansion, Ph.D. thesis, 2015

[WWW] Fletcher, A., Plasma production and radiation from meteoroid impacts on spacecraft, Ph.D. thesis, 2015.

[PDF] Volz, R., Theory and Application of Sparsity for Radar Sensing of Ionospheric Plasma, Ph.D. thesis, 2014

Sivasankaran, R., Thunderstorm-induced enhancements in the E-region ionosphere, Eng. thesis, 2014

Kumar, V., A study of mid-latitude E-region anomalies in the ionosphere due to lightning, Eng. thesis, 2013

[WWW] Lee, N., Understanding spacecraft electrical anomalies: theory and experiments characterizing hypervelocity impact plasma dynamics, Ph.D. thesis, 2012.